Goodwin Gallery
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Links & Things

Tell me what you think!

How do you like my paintings? Do you have a favourite? Is there one that you really don't like? Do you have any questions or comments?

My e-mail address is

Click here to send me an email


Here Are Extracts From Some Emails Received

- Unknown


"I didn't quite realise how in touch you were with yourself until I had a look at your paintings, extremely good I must add, my favourite is green feet which I think should be renamed to 'we are not alone' ... p.s. you've made your self portrait a little nicer looking than true he!he! he!"
- RM


"I wish I had managed to the exhibition because I looked round your virtual gallery & WOW!!! I particularly liked Ardessie Falls, Beatles into the Light (& I'm not a Beatles fan in fact I don't particularly like them) and the Self Portrait is so you. I'll just have to make sure I get to the next one."
- RS


"wow you have discovered a hidden talent there"
- MG


Those green feet.. they disturb me.
- JS


Hi Robert
Just to let you know that I looked at the site tonight, and really like the pictures. Is there no end to your talent?!
All the best.
- BP
Rob, I just wanted to say I can't believe that you have just begun painting  this last year! I LOVE your Beatles painting so very much!! Your use of silloutte and light is fabulous, I knew it was the Beatles before seeing the name come up on the site. It was their gestures, characteristics that told me it was them. Actually all your work is wonderful. I am returning to oils after an 8 year absence where I was off doing other media. I love portraits best though I have done several landscapes. The one of your home is particularly nostaligic and made me decide to paint my home too for posterity. I can't believe a silly high school teacher discouraged you from painting all those years ago. Sheesh, you are quite talented. In so little time, you have come so far!! I will have to keep my eye on you!
Cathleen Perkins~


[1st email]I think your web site is really interesting.
Loved the painting of The Beatles.
[2nd email]I think the revised gallery is most interesting.
Keep being inspired to paint things from an unusual perspective--I like the humour and simplicity.
All the very best.
- MC

I like your paintings, particulary the tattie peeling woman and the funeral.
- CP

Just had time to have a peek at your 2002 paintings. They are very good. Some of them remind me of John Bellany !
I am impressed but then again anything you did (dabbled in) always impressed me.
Are you planning to sell prints of your work?
Regardless I will keep an eye out for something that grabs me as I would probably buy your work.
- SB

Thanks for those comments. I hope others will take the time and trouble to send me their input - good & bad.



[And, no, I didn't write them myself! lol. They're all used with permission from the authors (apart from the first one!)]


You may be interested in visiting the following websites (but remember to place this website in your favourites file first):

Great Art -Supplies Catalogue

The Artist Magazine

Art supplies

More art supplies

Still more art supplies

Painting tips, techniques, etc

Free art lessons online

BBC - arts (Click on Impressionism and check out the Rolf Harris interview)

Optical illusion



Henri Matisse - Le bonheur de vivre (The Joy of Life)

Peter Paul Rubens - Bacchus

Claud Monet - Houses of Parliament,London

Edgar Degas - L'etoile [La danseuse sur la scene] (The Star [Dancer on Stage])

(Eugène-Henri-) Paul Gauguin - Arearea (Joyousness) 1892


**STOP PRESS** Pablo Picasso - A Confession!


Click here to email me



Painting in the nude.

Two nuns are ordered to paint a mural in a room of the convent, and the last instruction of the Mother Superior is that they must not get even a drop of paint on their habits.

After conferring about this for a while, the two nuns decide to lock the door of the room, strip off their habits, and paint in the nude.

In the middle of the project, there comes a knock at the door.
"Who is it?", calls one of the nuns.
"Blind man," replies a voice from the other side of the door.

The two nuns look at each other and shrug, and, deciding that no harm can come from letting a blind man into the room, so they open the door.

"Nice butt, sister," says the man, "where do you want these blinds?"