Goodwin Gallery
Links & Things

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Thin Man Turning

1. Thin Man Turning (240) 457x558mm canvas on board
I modelled for this myself. Marie took the photos.

The Empty Chair

2. The Empty Chair (240) 610x508mm canvas on board
Over the 2001/02 winter holidays I became enthused with Matisse's work and I think this has an essence of the great painter. This is a study for a larger work of the same name. Done with acrylic paint.


3. Artist In The Mirror (240) 457x558mm canvas on board
I invented the fireplace and the landscape.

3 Nudes with Ball

4. Three Nudes with Ball (560) 890x1345mm primed canvas
My first painting on canvas, which I stretched myself. Probably evident but I used no models for this one - purely from my imagination. I did several seperate sketches first and then placed the best together. Give yourself a minute to work out why I've painted the faces so peculiarly........ Answer: Look closely and turn the mouths into ears and the right eyes into mouths and the hair into noses. You now see three faces looking upwards.


5. Untitled (50) 24x18" canvas on board
(one of my first ones sold)
Painted from a ten year old photo (1992) of my Dad! The photo of the painting was taken at an angle because the light was reflecting off the glass into the lens .

Single Rose

6. Single Rose (50) 755x295mm on primed board
(one of my first ones sold)
Quite pleased with my first flower painting. The quickest painting I've done so far. It took me half an hour.

The Red Portrait

7. The Red Portrait (305) 750x500mm primed masonite
Always liking to be different I have gone for a more avant-garde approach with this one modelled on Marie.

Woman Peeling Tatties

8. Woman Peeling Tatties (420) 1000x770mm primed masonite
Wanting a more simplistic approach to convey the feeling of the moment I've used just 3 colours and white. This is one of my favourites.

Hello, Goodbye

9. Goodbye, Hello (220) 344x686mm primed masonite
Inspired by my Mum's hairdresser's mother dying and the very next day her granddaughter being born. I started sketching the scene in the morning before the funeral. I couldn't believe that I had the same sort of view [as the sketch] at the internment even though I followed the crowd sheeplike. The baby wasn't actually at the funeral. And I didn't go for likenesses.

Blue Head Man

10. Blue Head Man (180) 350x250 primed plywood
Loosely based on my face. It looks wrongly right with the missplaced ear, high cheek bone and very narrow jaw. Another of my favourites. I did this in November and it is the first to feature my new symbol signature.

Hang Gliders, Isle of Wight

11. Hang Gliders, Isle of Wight (200) 700x495mm primed masonite
Where are the hang gliders? I hear you ask. This was an intentional 'mistake'. I wanted viewer/artist participation.. An interactive painting if you like; where the viewer imagines the gliders. Why did I choose to do such a 'normal' looking painting.. well I needed to do something during art club!

The Ignorant Get Used Up and Spat Out

12. The Ignorant Get Used Up and Spat Out (But There's Hope) (240) 400x500mm primed MDF board

From the sublime to the ridiculous. The 'but there's hope' was added to the title after someone pointed out that this emotive theme was too depressing. Originally it featured a dead asexual being falling down a hillside into a cloud-filled abyss. The updated version has the being still alive and maybe manages to grab onto a rock before falling. Who knows?